Consulting Room
Ever wanted to consult a medic but you did not know how? What about that secret issue you have been struggling with for a while but do not know who to approach or how to solve it? Or maybe you have always wanted to make some lifestyle changes perhaps through diet or exercise but you do not know how to go about it? Join our Host Dr. Maame Afua Korsah, along with various guests every Monday at 8pm as they walk us through common health-related concerns we may have. Hop ontothis journey of learning and unlearning multiple truths concerning our health, daily habits and so much more.

About the Show
CONSULTING ROOM allows us to learn about some of the most common illnesses and how to avoid them? It also provides an avenue where you can get all your questions answered on health issues. It is about getting more from life. Ever wanted to consult a medic but did not know how? Or maybe you have always wanted to make some lifestyle changes perhaps through diet or exercise but you do not know how to go about it? Join us every Monday at 8pm as they walk us through common health-related concerns we may have.

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