Ho Seventh-Day Adventist Women Get Free Breast Cancer Screening
A free breast cancer awareness and screening was held on the grounds of Ho Seventh-Day Adventist School by the Volta Ghana Mission's Women Ministries department.
Gershon Koffi DzokotoHoOct 21, 2022, 4:30 PM
Ho Seventh-Day Adventist Women Get Free Breast Cancer Screening
A free breast cancer awareness and screening was held on the grounds of Ho Seventh-Day Adventist School by the Volta Ghana Mission's Women Ministries department. The event was organized as part of October's global breast cancer awareness campaign. Participants in the program included women from Adventist congregations in the Ho and Kpetoe regions as well as other members of the local community.
This year’s breast cancer awareness is under the theme “Living beyond breast cancer, together we can”
In his welcoming speech, Pastor S. Y. Agboado, President of the Volta Ghana Mission of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, thanked the attendees for coming to the event. He also expressed his gratitude to the physicians who came to raise awareness as well as to the organizers for considering the welfare of the ladies. He advises them to take it seriously and perform self-examinations of their breasts on a regular basis.
Dr. Nelson Affram, the head of the Ho Teaching Hospital's health team, commended the Women’s Ministry department for assembling the women. He advised all women to really consider the need of performing routine breast exams and to constantly check their breasts for early warning symptoms that might require treatment right now. The survival percentage is great, according to Dr. Affram, if identified early.
The women were encouraged to examine the breast at least once a month.
A total of forty-seven (47) members were screened for breast cancer. Among the people screened were two (2) men.
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