Mid-West Ghana Conference Ordained Its Long Serving 11 Ministers
The Mid-West Ghana Conference has ordained its eleven pastors and their wives. The solemn ceremony was necessary as a result of the Conference declaring that some districts of the conference lacked enough ordained Ministers to supervise significant ceremonies.
Edith MborateMid-West Ghana ConferenceOct 7, 2022, 9:41 AM
Mid-West Ghana Conference Ordained Its Long Serving 11 Ministers
The Mid-West Ghana Conference has ordained its eleven pastors and their wives. The solemn ceremony was necessary as a result of the Conference declaring that some districts of the conference lacked enough ordained Ministers to supervise significant ceremonies.
Pr. Dr. Kwame Annor-Boahen, the interim president of the Northern Ghana Union Conference, as well as several of the NGUC's executives, were in attendance at the ceremony, along with delegates from the Bible Society of Ghana, Mid-North Ghana Conference, and the Green View Ghana Conference.
According to Pr. Dr. Kwame Annor-Boahen, ordination is significant, it distinguishes a pastor, and empowers them to pursue their work with diligence and prudence.
For his part, Pastor Maxwell Obour Boateng Awuah, President of the Mid-West Ghana Conference, cautioned the newly ordained Minister to work hard towards the mission of the Adventists.
Pr. Blankson Ofori Atta William, speaking on behalf of his colleagues, stated that they would labor as if they had recently been called into the ministry in order to bring significant change to their churches, district, conference, and extend to the union and general conference. He also urged everyone to work together.
Madam Osei Dorcas also spoke on behalf of all Shepherdess.
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