Wad Year End Meeting Approves New Union Administrative Unit For Southern Ghana Union Conference

Wad Year End Meeting Approves New Union Administrative Unit For Southern Ghana Union Conference

The Year End Meeting of the West-Central Africa Division (WAD) underway in Nigeria has approved a Union Administrative Organizing Unit within the Southern Ghana Union Conference (SGUC).

Dr. Solace Yawa Asafo, Communication/PARL Director.Nov 5, 2023, 2:31 PM


Wad Year End Meeting Approves New Union Administrative Unit For Southern Ghana Union Conference

An Organizing Union Administrative Unit is a transitional arrangement towards becoming a Union Mission or Union Conference.

The new entity, South-East Ghana Administrative organizing Unit, will have its headquarters in Tema and be made up of the following fields: Meridian Ghana, East Ghana, Diamond Field, Eastern View conferences, and Volta and Oti Missions.

The Executive Committee of WAD on Monday, October 30, 2023, voted the following as officers of the new unit: Director: Pastor Dr. Chris Annan-Nunoo (Executive Secretary, SGUC) Secretary: Pastor Seth Nyarko Asare (President, Diamond Field Conference) Treasurer: Dr. Daniel Ameyaw (Treasurer, Meridian Ghana Conference.


The newly elected leaders will remain in their current positions and take on their new roles as additional responsibilities. They will work to ensure the viability of the new entity, prepare it for evaluation by a General Conference (GC)/WAD team and manage its affairs until it is approved and granted the status of a Union Conference or Union Mission.

The South-East Administrative Unit will be under the management of the parent Union (SGUC) until it is recommended by WAD for GC approval if it meets the set requirements.

Other Union Administrative Units approved by the WAD Executive Committee include the Northern Ghana Union Administrative Organising Unit, the North-East Cameroun

Union Administrative Organising Unit, and the Cameroun Union Mission.
